Mass Arbitration

Mass arbitration has gained popularity in recent years, though it can be labor intensive to bookbuild a large class of plaintiffs and file thousands of individual arbitration claims. Our solution slashes the administrative burden of bringing large numbers of claims and keeps claimants more engaged. 

Adopted by many of the market leaders, FinLegal’s software solution can be used as a standalone option or add-on to existing technology. 

How can we help? 

  • An online self-service process for claimants automates the collection and checking of information reduces time spent per claim. 

  • Automation prompts claimants via email and SMS, saving time on manual outreach. 

  • Third-party data and artificial intelligence improve the accuracy and reduce the overhead of reviewing claims. 

  • Easily generate claimant fact sheets and documents for use with claimants and others.  

  • Automatically distribute work across the claims team. 

  • Make settlement payments using digital banking. 

How it works 


Engage and register more claimants with a firm branded website.


Automatically generate, send documents and remind claimants automatically to complete tasks online.


Auto-assign client emails to team members to prevent missed communication.


Create and assign custom activities for claimants to complete.

Case types:


Consumer disputes

Product claims

…and many more.

Secure and confidential

All your information is secure and you control visibility throughout the process.

Learn more

For a demonstration on how our claims automation solution can help you to do more business in mass arbitrations, contact us now:

0203 488 2707