
Experience high ROI through increased claimant conversion and reduced administrative burden. Our customers undertake cases / do claims in volumes they previously considered impossible or uneconomical.


Almost Free

Get started with FinLegal - work on one small case / case type.

1 Case Type

250 Claimants

No Monthly Fee

  • Build your own online case, workflows with support charged by the hour, with upfront estimates
  • Dedicated customer success manager
  • 24/7 platform response

Pay-Per-Use Add-ons

  • ID checks
  • AI Document Scanning
  • Claimant SMS
  • Settlement Payment
  • Credit Checks + More


For firms with one or more small to medium cases / case types.

Up to 5 Case Types

Up to 5000 Claimants

  • We build your fully optimised case workflows, charged by the hour with upfront estimates
  • Full platform training
  • Integration with marketing partners
  • Single-Sign-On (SSO) set up
  • Dedicated customer success manager
  • 24/7 platform response

Pay-Per-Use Add-ons

  • ID checks
  • AI Document Scanning
  • Claimant SMS
  • Settlement Payment
  • Credit Checks + More


For larger firms with many cases / case types and a high volume of claims.

Unlimited Case Types

Unlimited Claimants

  • We build your fully optimised case workflows, charged by the hour with upfront estimates
  • Full platform training
  • Integration with marketing partners
  • Single-Sign-On (SSO) set up
  • Dedicated customer success manager
  • 24/7 platform response

Pay-Per-Use Add-ons

  • ID checks
  • AI Document Scanning
  • Claimant SMS
  • Settlement Payment
  • Credit Checks + More

Included with every plan:

  • Claimant Email
  • Doc Automation
  • Virus Scanning
  • Claimant Data & Doc Back Ups
  • Web Application Firewall & Security

“One team member was able to work part time across over 10,000 clients to gather information.”

“Responses increased by 100% to requests for information and documents.”

“80% of people signed up without needing any support from our team.”

Got questions?

Arrange a call with one of our product specialists to find out what FinLegal can do for your practice.

Increase claimant conversion 

Slash legal administration

Increase fees 

Got questions?

Arrange a call with one of our product specialists to find out what FinLegal can do for your practice.

Increase claimant conversion 

Slash legal administration

Increase fees