Motor finance claims

The eagerly awaited Financial Conduct Authority decision means there’s never been a better time to build a book of PCP and other motor finance claims.

Our software helps with:

  • Having to manually qualify claimants using credit information
  • Time consuming claim email and phone updates
  • Time delays with sending and receiving DSAR requests
  • Anxious claimants sending chasers and calling
  • Poor management information on where claims are in the process

Motor finance claims, the FinLegal way.

Working with claimants is made easy using self service and automation

A self-service, automated process

An online process which includes informative video explainers, where claimants complete credit checks and onboarding.

Increase response with automated email/SMS

Prompt claimants automatically via your chosen communication channel, increasing engagement and response.

A.I document review and extraction

Technology to process finance agreements and DSAR responses as required by your firm.

Generate legal letters and documents

Easily generate documents from your templates, and specifics of the claim

It's easy to get started...

Up and running in weeks for your case

Fees scale as your client numbers grows

Use standalone, or with other solutions

Loved by your marketing partners

“One team member was able to work part time across over 10,000 clients to gather information.”

“Responses increased by 100% to requests for information and documents.”

“80% of people signed up without needing any support from our team.”