Hair relaxer
A case with multiple products, defendants and qualification criteria requires a sophisticated solution.
Our software helps with:
- Identifying hair products used and the resulting conditions
- Complex intake that requires large teams and long phone calls
- Completing the complicated 30-page plaintiff fact sheet
- Gathering frequent treatment updates from claimants
- Time consuming document and medical record review
Hair relaxer, the FinLegal way.
Working with claimants is made easy using self service and automation
Client specific information capture
Simplified hair product, medical condition and hospital information capture, on PC or mobile.
Increase response with automated email/SMS
Prompt claimants automatically via your chosen communication channel increasing engagement and response.
Automated qualification and document review
Automated review of medical conditions and text extraction from proof of purchase documents.
Generate plantiff fact sheets
Easily generate plaintiff fact sheets and other documents from your templates with specifics of the claim.